Women Empowerment.


We campaign against female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kenya, and across the world.


Kensvens AB is determined to eradicate poverty among FGM victims and survivors in Kenya.


These are young mothers who are running away from their husbands or relatives, not only to save themselves but to save their young daughters from undergoing the genital mutilation act.


Lack of jobs or support, many mothers chose to stay and watch helplessly as their daughters undergoing the fgm act that leave the girls with a lifetime physical and psychological trauma.


Kensvens AB work with communities to ensure that the rights of every girl is fulfilled. We create job’s opportunities for these mother’s, and  a favourable environment and a promising future for mothers and their amazing daughters.


We donate the necessity needs such as sanitary towels, which is the biggest challenge that affects a great number of girls to a certain extent of missing school.


Our goal is to see that a mother is clothed with strength and dignity, laughs without fear of the future.


Office Address:

Kensvens AB.

Odlingsgatan 8 J

933 34 Arvidsjaur


+46 769 300 528

Email: import@kensvens.se

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Copyright - Kensvens AB 2019